In the 1980s, Dr. Denis Waitley used a program called Visual Motor Rehearsal for Olympic athletes. The olympic athletes were given the instructions to run the race but only in their mind. They had to fully visualize themselves in race. And the results were astounding. What they found was that the same muscles fired in the same sequence as when they were actually running on the track!
The mind cannot tell the difference between an actual, 'real-life' event and a vividly imagined one. Needless to say, the value of visualization and its results told the real story about the value of experiencing your desired result in the image of your mind.
You don't need to admit it to anyone else, but we know there have been times when your heart beat just a bit too fast, your breathing became faster and shallower, and without even realizing it, your body was going through that whole "fight or flight" preparation caused by adrenaline.
Doing visualization exercises can really boost your success rate. There are visualization techniques you can use to prepare yourself to stand tall when a self defeating thought comes to mind.
If you have fun and feel excited while you visualize your goals and your dreams, you have the right attitude. Your thoughts are physical. You create your own reality by thinking of what you want consistently, it will guide you to anything and everything you want.
Have a list prepared of memories that are full of wonderful, strong emotions that feel really good. Spend most of your time noticing how good it feels to see someone indicate a desire to get to know you or be more like you. Hear someone telling you how fabulous you look and remember a time when you received a compliment.
Making your visualization fun and enjoyable will make you feel wonderful emotions. If you are not enjoying your visualization sessions, it will never be as effective as when you have fun doing it. Your thoughts and your emotions must work together. By infusing your thoughts with emotions like excitement, joy, and love, you are reinforcing them for the universe to recognize as a positive signal to give you your desires at the right place and at the right time.
Your visualization techniques produce positive energy from "feel good" emotions. Make a point to relax and assure yourself that the food will still be there later if you want it. This is much easier than trying to force things with willpower, which seldom works anyway.